Learning Circuits Big Question - Where is the eLearning?
Topic: Instructional Design
In response to Learning Circuits big question, “Where are the examples of eLearning?” I have pointed to the wiki for the Digital Media subject “Relate to Clients on a Business Level”. This wiki illustrates a model for the integration of wikis, blogs and widgets in elearning. The power of three.
The wiki provides a gateway to teaching and learning resources and its structure is based on the subject’s learning outcomes. A “work in progress” wiki space is provided for each student.
The widgets are used to enhance teaching resources. They include,
Scribd: presents online documents that can be listened to, scrolled, enlarged and scanned, and downloaded.
SlideShare: presents PowerPoint presentations,
Odeo: presents podcasts and a sidebar player that automatically updates as the teacher adds podcasts to Odeo.
Bubbl.us: presents mindmaps and flowcharts that can be enlarged and scanned.
ProProfs: presents online formative assessment quizzes.
The blogs are created and maintained by students as a portfolio of their assessment events that in turn utilize a range of widgets for presenting results.
From a teacher who has spent many years developing eLearning using programming languages, software applications, and authoring systems this trio of Web2.0 applications is the way to go.
Posted by tonywh2
at 9:30 PM NZT