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20 March 2008
Add A Widget To Your Blog or Wiki
Topic: blogs
Widgets are an easy way to add features to your blog. Here arel links to  a range of widgets that enhance your blog or wiki with photo sharing, search, commerce, weather, news headlines and even games. Adding a widget to your blog/wiki is easy. 1. Browse the gallery and choose a Widget, 2 .Configure it at the Widget provider's site, 3. Post it to your blog!

Posted by tonywh2 at 8:19 AM NZT
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6 May 2007
Web Clipping Technology
Topic: blogs

Clipmarks, the web clipping technology provider, announces an added feature to their Clip-to-Blog tool which allows you to post clipped content to multiple blogs simultaneously. You can now clip media such as text, photos and videos from across the web and instantly post the content along with commentary, directly to several blogs at once. The new clip-to-blog tool was created to make it easier to post discovered content from the web into your blog.

Posted by tonywh2 at 9:27 PM NZT
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4 April 2007
Create a SongSpot in Your Blog/Wiki
Topic: blogs
Use this free web service to create a song spot in your blog or wiki. Select a song from SongSpot's huge library, customise the player and then either send or embed the player in your website. There is also an email option for you to send songs and messages to friends. A good example of the increasing application of audio technologies in web site design and development. 

Posted by tonywh2 at 12:04 AM NZT
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26 March 2007
Blog Widget - Video, Audio, Photos, Text and RSS Feeds
Topic: blogs
Here is a great widget for your blog/wiki. The player can be customised to fit in your blog's sidebar. SplashCast enables anyone to create streaming media 'channels' that combine video, music, photos, narration, text and RSS feeds. These user-generated channels can be played and easily syndicated on any web site, blog, or social network page. When channel owners modify their channel, their content is automatically updated across all the web pages 'tuned' to that channel.

Posted by tonywh2 at 8:24 AM NZT
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21 March 2007
Widgets for your blog and wiki
Topic: blogs
Here is a site that provides a wide range of widgets to enhance your blogs. Widgets provide links to sites and applications that include To Do lists, video and mp3 players, Flickr, etc. etc.,  and a wide range of blog sites.

Posted by tonywh2 at 9:56 AM NZT
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17 March 2007
Embed Images and Videos in Blogs / Wikis
Topic: blogs

Google's image and photo storage and sharing service, has been upgraded…They've increased their free storage allocation and also added the facility to directly link to individual albums and photos, making it easier to share them via e-mail or IM. They even give you the HTML code to display an album or photo on a web page.

They've also integrated it with Blogger so if you've got a blog hosted by Blogger, log in to Picasa Web Albums and you'll find a new album containing uploaded images from your blog. Tip: Resize images to the size your posting as it saves space and should be faster at loading and rendering. If you need a utility to help crop and resize images use SnipShot -

Posted by tonywh2 at 6:52 PM NZT
Updated: 17 March 2007 6:54 PM NZT
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Group Voicebooks - Group Audio Blogging
Topic: blogs
VoiceThread enables “group audio blogging” - you can create “voicebooks” combining images and audio. Extremely simple but is effective when you want  to post an image and allow others to add their text or voice comments. Also note that you can post these voicebooks to your blog, wiki, MySpace, etc.

Posted by tonywh2 at 4:34 PM NZT
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9 March 2007
Convert Blog/RSS Feed Information Into a PDF File
Topic: blogs
Here is an innovative application that converts information from an RSS feed into a PDF file. You simply enter the URL of your blog or RSS feed.

Posted by tonywh2 at 6:17 PM EADT
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4 March 2007
Update your blog automatically with other blog updates.
Topic: blogs
Add your favorite blogs (or any source with a RSS feed) to your Feevy tag and receive automatic updates. Feevy gives you a personalized feevy tag. Just place the tag in your blog template or wiki and... bang! Your friends will appear in your blog! Feevy shows the latest posts from your favorite blogs in one column putting them in order according to the latest updates, which will appear on top. You can use as many feevy tags as you like. placing them anywhere in your blog or your html page.

Posted by tonywh2 at 4:47 PM EADT
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27 January 2007
Blog Text to Voice Conversion
Topic: blogs
Turn readers into listeners, and transform your blog into a high quality, broadcast that can vastly expand your audience reach! Similar to Talkr.

Posted by tonywh2 at 9:26 AM EADT
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14 January 2007
Multimedia Blogging
Topic: blogs
With Scrapblog, you can easily create stunning multimedia scrapbooks featuring your photos, videos, audio and a bunch of creative elements. Scrapblog is drag-and-drop-easy so that youcan tell your stories and share them online or turn them into high-quality photo books and DVDs. Best of all, it's free and there's nothing to download.

Posted by tonywh2 at 8:01 PM EADT
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26 February 2006
Blog Tutorial - Tips For Blog Templates & Blog Design In Photoshop
Topic: blogs
Here is a great tutorial to help you design the Web's most creative blog template. Once you choose a blogging service and set up an account, you will be provided with a standard blog template. To be noticed your blog needs to make a splash - as there are more than ten million blogs out there. So what this tutorial concentrates on is working with some design elements that can help you add more zing to your blog.

Posted by tonywh2 at 8:42 PM EADT
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28 March 2005
Wikis, Blogs and Websites
Topic: blogs
JotSpot makes Web applications simple to build by combining wikis ? websites that can be edited by anyone, without knowing HTML ? and Web application building in an easy-to-use hosted service.Besides being a hosted service, other cool features include look and feel customization through CSS and the ability to create Jot apps like forums, knowledge bases, project planners, blogs, etc.

Posted by tonywh2 at 6:43 PM EADT
Updated: 12 April 2005 9:37 AM NZT
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