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27 May 2007
If you can hear it, you can record it!
Topic: Podcasting

"Record internet radio and save to mp3 or wav. Record streaming audio from the Internet, microphone, or any other source for that matter. MP3myMP3 Recorder works directly with your system sound card - if you can hear it, you can record it! Use the scan tool to list all mp3, wav, aif, swa, or sun au audio files on your computer - then play and record portions of any of these files."

Posted by tonywh2 at 9:34 PM NZT
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Sound Effects for Your Pocasts
Topic: Podcasting
Welcome to, a free site where you can search the Web for sound effects and musical instrument samples. FindSounds Palette is a software program that lets you search more than one million sounds on the Web and helps you organize and search your own sound collection.

Posted by tonywh2 at 11:00 AM NZT
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15 May 2007
The Definitive Podcasting Guide
Topic: Podcasting

The PoducateMe Podcasting Guide takes the mystery out of: Finding and downloading podcasts - Selecting appropriate podcasting equipment and software - Recording, editing and polishing your podcast - Creating an "enhanced" podcast containing links and graphics - Uploading your podcast to the Internet - Creating a podcast blog - Sharing podcasts with your students - Much more!

Posted by tonywh2 at 10:47 PM NZT
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3 December 2006
Podcast Music
Topic: Podcasting
This is a community music site featuring remixes licensed under Creative Commons, where you can listen to, sample, mash-up, or interact with music in whatever way you want. There is a huge range of music here that you can download for use with your podcasts. Use 'Browse Tags' to search music categories.

Posted by tonywh2 at 8:04 AM EADT
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9 June 2005
Mind Boggling Podcasts
Topic: Podcasting
Here are two articles to help you create podcasts that will amaze your teachers and impress your friends.
First article: Describes the four basic steps to creating a Podcast.* Write it,* Record it,* Publish it, * Promote it. Note the links to the great free software AUDACITY and CCPUBLISHER.
Second article: Guidelines for creating short, organized shows that can help you get started in podcasting and organize your podcasts into manageable, predictable chunks.

Posted by tonywh2 at 6:20 PM NZT
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10 April 2005
The Podcast Network
Topic: Podcasting
Here is a great Australian Internet initiative that provides access to free and legal mp3 Podcasts in areas that include technology, music (rock and jazz), sport, etc. Check it out and link to the RSS feeds for regular updates in your areas of interest.

Posted by tonywh2 at 1:46 PM NZT
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3 April 2005
More About Podcasting
Topic: Podcasting
Podcasting refers to the technology used to pull digital audio files from Web sites down to computers and devices such as MP3 players. Podcast is derived from the name of the iPod MP3 player from Apple, although you don't need an iPod to partake in podcasts.

Podcasting is a significant departure from traditional broadcasting because it removes the time requirement; you can listen to a podcast radio program or interview any time.

Think what audio books on tape did for the road warrior?turning our cars and airplane seats into mobile TAFE's. Podcasting has the same capacity to change the way we learn and take in new information.

Posted by tonywh2 at 3:56 PM NZT
Updated: 18 April 2005 12:25 PM NZT
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30 March 2005
How to Podcast
Topic: Podcasting
PODcasting will shift much of our time away from an old medium where we wait for what we might want to hear to a new medium where we choose what we want to hear, when we want to hear it, and how we want to give everybody else the option to listen to it as well. This tutorial from Engadget covers how to get Podcasts and make your own for both Mac and PC....Go for it.

Posted by tonywh2 at 12:38 PM EADT
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